True stories about hidden work, unseen efforts, and toiling far from the limelight
The Baltimore Museum of Industry and the Stoop Storytelling Series partnered on an evening of true stories focused on the essential work—and workers—we rarely see.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
7:00 pm
Watch the show on YouTube here.
This program was made possible by Constellation.
About the Partners and the Program
The Stoop Storytelling Series is a Baltimore-based live show and podcast that features “ordinary” people sharing the extraordinary, true tales of their lives. The mission of The Stoop is to build community through the sharing of personal stories. Stoop stories are not memorized, performed, or read. They’re shared. Stoop shows are intimate and surprising, wonderful and weird, hilarious and heartbreaking.
The Baltimore Museum of Industry celebrates the dignity of work, and can provide a forum for exploring how the pandemic has impacted – and continues to impact – people’s experiences on the job.
The BMI began a partnership with the Stoop Storytelling Series in 2018. While we can’t gather in person this year, we are looking forward to streaming these storytellers live from the museum this fall.