The collection consists of approximately 80,000 photographs and negatives taken as part of BGE’s daily operations, and captures Baltimore’s workplaces, cityscapes, and life in Baltimore from the late 1920s through 2001.
It has been said that the only constant in the world is change. This proverb rings especially true when applied to the built environment in Baltimore. Beloved in part for their historic charm, Baltimore’s buildings and neighborhoods also provide evidence of the many economic, social, and cultural transformations that this city and its landscape have experienced during the past three centuries. The BGE collection shows, for better or worse, how “Charm City” has changed over the years. The photographs and negatives reveal a complex city whose past and present have been defined by shifts in the way things are made, how they are moved, and where people live, work, and play.
To see more of the Baltimore Gas and Electric archival collection visit the BMI’s online database.