Located in the museum’s popular Communications Gallery, Tap-Talk-Text: Telecommunications in Maryland offers a colorful and highly interactive look at the role Baltimore has played in the development of long-distance communication technology.
The exhibit showcases dozens of artifacts—including rugged rotary telephones, homemade radios, and stylish cabinet televisions—and asks visitors to consider how telecommunications have changed from the time of the telegraph to the age of the smartphone.

Tap-Talk-Text was made possible through the support of Ira Kolman, Baltimore National Heritage Area, National Park Service, Delaplaine Foundation, The Herbert Bearman Foundation, Kathy Hudson and Greg Otto, Karen Smith, Michael Hill, Harvey Litofsky, J. William Murray, Anne and Sandy Apgar, Bob and Kate Harrison, Michael Styer, John and Cheryl Davis, Anne Darlington, Power Up, and National Lumber.