Learn About Baltimore History
The BMI welcomes adult and family groups to visit the museum. Choose from a guided tour of the museum or Baltimore history lectures that offer adults the chance to learn about the workers and industries that helped build Baltimore.
Questions? Please email tours@thebmi.org or call 410-727-4808 ext 117

Select one or more of the following experiences for your group
History Alive Tour
Industrial history comes alive at the BMI as museum educators lead participants through the museum galleries and demonstrate working museum artifacts.
Group Rate: (10+ participants): Adults-$10.00, Seniors-$7.00, Students-$5.50
Length: 1 hour or 1.5 hour guided tours available

Forging Progress: Civil Rights, Labor Rights, and Black History in Baltimore
Forging Progress is a tour that highlights the remarkable connections between the movements for labor rights and civil rights in Baltimore. Delving into the stories of resilience, unity, and change, it spotlights individuals and events that shaped the city’s industrial and civil landscape. Explore the complexities of labor strikes that forced businesses to serve all. Visitors will gain a deeper appreciation for the intertwined legacies that have left an indelible mark on Baltimore.
Group Rate (10+ participants): Adults-$10.00, Seniors-$7.00, Students-$5.50
Length: 1 hour